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Memphis Botanic Garden

Memphis Botanic Garden
The Memphis Botanic Garden began in the 1950’s as a small collection of formal gardens and an open 4-acre plot that held a small number of oak trees. After planting a few select hollies and magnolias, this area would become the original arboretum, a unique park in the region that held uncommon trees. Over the years, more land was incorporated, more trees were planted, and more deliberate decisions on plant acquisition were formed, until the current status was achieved: 96 acres holding 30 unique gardens, containing over 170 different tree species from around the world. The collection includes a variety of oaks, hollies, magnolias, and flowering cherries.
Memphis Botanic Garden operates as a Center of Excellence for Tennessee Urban Forestry Council, an organization devoted to the advancement of tree education and leadership development in urban tree care throughout the state of Tennessee, through which MBG assists in the development and certification of arboreta throughout west Tennessee.