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Calvin University’s Speelman Arboretum
Calvin University’s Speelman Arboretum
Calvin University is a Christian liberal arts college in a suburban setting with 3400 students. The campus was a farm owned by an industrialist nearly 100 years ago and has substantial native trees hedgerows, and woods. The campus also is home to an over 100 acre ecosystem preserve, which is mostly forested.
The entire 350 acre campus is considered the arboretum with native and exotic trees and woody shrubs located throughout campus. Most of the increase in tree diversity was planted in the last 40 years. The campus is especially proud of a large American Chestnut, a Cedar of Lebanon, a Giant Sequoia and a Paw Paw. The campus also has 36 memorial and commemorative trees demarked by bronze plaques. All trees are accessible by foot and open to the public. Key trees also have a physical label.