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University College Cork Arboretum

University College Cork Arboretum
The UCC Arboretum dates from the foundation of the university as Queen’s College Cork in 1845. It currently encompasses 2,500 trees across 42 acres and makes a significant contribution to UCC’s globally recognised Green Campus. 120 different species are represented in the collection. These species range from native Irish and British trees to American, Asian, Australian and European specimens. Some of the highlights of the collection include a pair of c. 150 year old Giant Redwoods; an Irish champion Wing Nut tree (native to the Caucasus) and a collection of mature pines (including Scots, Monteray and Bhutan pines). Mature oaks (including Red Oak, Lucombe Oak and Common Oak) as well as mature London Plane and Lime Trees compliment the historic architecture on the UCC campus.