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Limeledge Botanical Garden and Arboretum

Limeledge Botanical Garden and Arboretum
Limeledge Botanical Garden and Arboretum resides upon a 227-acre property nestled in the western hills of Onondaga County. Featuring over five miles of trails through rolling hills, woodlands, a stream, and an old limestone quarry full of fossils, Limeledge has something to offer every visitor. In homage to the agricultural history of the property, 110-acres are maintained in field crops and our central arboretum area is also home to a series of beehives. While the arboretum stretches across the entire property, the main planting areas are home to collections featuring taxa that are of special importance locally or of conservation concern. There is an emphasis on oaks, and reference collections for groups such as New York native hawthorns, willows, and maples are being assembled. They also strive to bring uncommon relatives of more widely-known species to the public’s attention, especially if they are in peril. Examples include Prunus serotina ssp. eximia, Parthenocissus heptaphylla, Crataegus harbisonii, Abies beshanzuensis, Quercus hinckleyi, Quercus boyntonii, Tsuga ulleungensis, Prunus maritima f. gravesii, and Acer miaotaiense.